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Hardwood Executive

Developing as a Leader, Connecting with Peers

By Tony Pescaglia
Sales Manager
MO PAC Lumber Company

For the past two years, I’ve been a member of HMA’s NextGen Leaders Council. As we move into fall 2024 and my time on the Council winds to a close, I’d like to reflect on my experience and share some thoughts.

To be honest, I was quite nervous to accept the nomination and join the Council. MO PAC is a family owned and operated business that doesn’t have a lot of the corporate structure that bigger companies do. Being in a small company, I was unsure of how the Council could benefit me and my career. However, putting those reservations aside, I accepted the nomination and could not be happier with my choice!

I was a part of a group of nine “Young Leaders” being mentored by Council Coordinator Jim Howard, CEO of Atlanta Hardwood Corporation. We met as a group three–four times a year, both in person and on Zoom, to discuss a variety of leadership topics. We had book discussions, facility tours, leadership retreats, leadership workshops, networking dinners, and more.

This was above and beyond anything I would be able to participate in without being on the Council. Also, as much as I learned from the programs, I think it equally important the relationships and connections I gained from my peers on the Council, as well as with Jim. The Council allowed me to grow my network of peers in this industry and truly look forward to conventions and tradeshows to be able to catch up with all of them.

Jim did a fantastic job leading our group and sharing his knowledge and experiences with us. That said, I would like to say thank you to Jim for all he did for me and the other members, and to HMA for bringing us all together!

I strongly encourage any “Young Leader” to accept your nomination to join HMA’s NextGen Leadership Council, no matter the size of your company. You will be happy you did, because I know I am!

Membership on the NextGen Leaders Council is open to anyone under the age of 40, who is employed by an HMA member company. Two spots are reserved for industry suppliers.

If your company has an up-and-coming, future leader, who could benefit from professional and personal development, contact Ian Faight at